The operation of the library is carried out by the main library in Celetna street. You cannot borrow books directly at the department.
The departmental library is a small specialized library having books and some journals from diverse areas of logic. We also have some books from related areas, e.g. linguistics, philosophy, mathematics or artificial intelligence.
The library primarily serves instructors, researchers, PhD. students and students writing their theses at the department. Due to the scope of the library and the fact that it also contains some introductory tests it is also occasionally used by less advanced students and students from related areas.
Use of the library is governed by the general Loan regulations of the libraries of the Faculty of Arts.
The library of the Faculty of Arts
UKAŽ (Discovery service of Charles University) is a system allowing unified and streamlined search of all information resources available at Charles University.
On-line information resources portal
Access to subscription journals
Digital repository of the University (contains electronic versions of theses defended at Charles University)
Metalib a search engine for searching information resources at Charles University
Elektra a portal for e-learning resources at the Faculty of Arts